Morning walks on the waterfront with my favorite pup, are the best!
Not usually this glammed up for entire life, I have loved digging in the dirt.

The beach is my happy place.
​I was that kid who always got into trouble. I was wild, silly, magical and going 1,000 miles per hour making mistakes everywhere I went. I could do nothing right according to the adults in my life. So, as a 7-year-old, I created walls (and behaviors) to protect myself from not being perfect. I played the game while inside I was angry that I couldn't be my true self. I was left with no sense of who I was, just going through the motions of life - pretending. All the while, I was judging myself and allowing others to do the same.
Flash forward to my 40's - I was done with the idea of being perfect. I went to therapy, did the work, ended toxic relationships, stopped the abuse, and fell in love with myself - with no regrets.
After all that work, I still had this "feeling" that I was missing something. While exploring ways to be the best me I could be; I found the magic of energy and how it can truly create a different possibility. Over the past decade, I continued my education, training, and research to hone my skills and offer you the chance to find out what intuitive energy work can do for you.​
I continue to do the work and strive to be a better person every day. Like most people, I have bad days, too. The difference is that I have the tools to live a mindful, healthy, joy-filled balanced life surrounded by inspiring, kind people and their animals.
Basically, I practice what I teach.
If you are curious to know more or you are ready to dive in, book a complimentary 15-minute conversation, and let's get going.